All Media Coverage

December 16, 2014
Private WiFi’s CEO, Kent Lawson, Featured in The Open Standard,Private WiFi's CEO, Kent Lawson, was prominently featured in an article on The Open Standard discussing how a VPN like Private WiFi can help safeguard your child's privacy (and your own) online.

December 1, 2014
Interview with Kent Lawson, Private WiFi’s CEO, in FierceWirelessTech,Private WiFi's CEO, Kent Lawson, recently appeared in FierceWirelessTech to discuss why everyone needs to know the dangers of public WiFi, and how Private WiFi can provide full protection.

December 1, 2014
Private WiFi in Huffington Post,Private WiFi's new holiday infographic, which warns online shoppers about the dangers lurking when you use public WiFi, was published in the Huffington Post. Check it out!

October 31, 2014
Private WiFi’s Alok Kapur Featured in Business Solutions Online Magazine,Alok Kapur, Private WiFi's Chief Marketing and Customer Officer was recently featured in Business Solutions, where he mentions how the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has pledged to spend $2 billion to boost wireless Internet connectivity in U.S. schools and libraries over the next two years.

October 31, 2014
Private WiFi on CNN,Recently, our employee Caleb Huff was featured in a segment on CNN which focused on how public WiFi can easily lead to identity theft. Caleb showed the CNN reporter just how easy it was to snatch usernames, passwords, and even credit card numbers when a person failed to protect themselves with a VPN when accessing public WiFi.

September 30, 2014
Private WiFi’s CEO Kent Lawson Interviewed in VPN Creative,Our CEO Kent Lawson was recently featured in VPN Creative, an online magazine which covers online anonymity, Internet security and freedom of speech issues.

September 22, 2014
Private WiFi on Good Morning America,Good Morning America investigates the risks of keeping your private information secure when using open WiFi networks. Mara Schiavocampo was on the scene with Private WiFi's CEO Kent Lawson to learn how you can keep yourself safe when using public WiFi by using a VPN.

September 12, 2014
WiFi Dashboard Appears in Security Magaine,Security Magazine, a website which aims to enable and assure the business world, published an article on WiFi Dashboard. Private WiFi's WiFi Dashboard alerts users when they are using unencrypted WiFi networks.

August 20, 2014
WiFi Dashboard Appears in SmallBiz Technology,Smallbiz Technology, a website for tech insight and news for small business, published an article on WiFi Dashboard. Private WiFi's WiFi Dashboard alerts users when they are using unencrypted WiFi networks.

August 14, 2014
Private WiFi Infographic on Huffington Post,Private WiFi's infographic detailing the dangers of public WiFi networks was recently featured in Huffington Post's Travel section.

August 8, 2014
WiFi Dashboard Named as One of Best Windows 8 Apps,WiFi Dashboard was named one of Beta News Best Windows 8 Apps of the Week. WiFi Dashboard displays security related information about your computer's WiFi connection, and whether your connection is secure and encrypted or not.

July 29, 2014
WiFi Dashboard in Digital Trends,Public WiFi, a very unsafe way to connect to the Internet, is becoming more and more prevalent. Private WiFi knows this, and has developed an app called WiFi Dashboard which lets you know if you’re connected to the Internet via an unsecure connection.

July 23, 2014
Private WiFi’s WiFi Dashboard Appears in Microsoft’s WinBeta,WiFi Dashboard, a new tool released by Private WiFi which lets users know when they are accessing an insecure WiFi hotspot, released appeared in Microsoft's WinBeta website, a blog covering news in the software industry.

July 10, 2014
Private WiFi on CBS,CBS News' Jericka Duncan reports on how Private WiFi can keep you safe on public WiFi.

July 1, 2014
Private WiFi CEO Interviewed in Help Net Security,In this interview in Help Net Security, Kent Lawson, CEO of Private WiFi, talks about the key threats exposed by wireless access, offers protection advice and illustrates the trends that will shape wireless security in the future.

May 16, 2014
Private WiFi in International Business Times,Private WiFi made an appearance in a recent article in the International Business Times. The article mentions how Private WiFi is a great way to protect yourself from hackers at coffee shops (or any other place).

May 8, 2014
Private WiFi Featured in SecTechno – Information Security Blog,From the article:
"That free coffee-shop wireless might not be such a good deal if you transmit sensitive information over a public network signal. When you’re using an unsecured network, whether you’re on your smart phone or laptop. Pay attention to the types of information you’re typing, and treat it as though every keystroke is being logged. To be safest, set up software like Private WiFi, which encrypts your Internet connection completely."

May 8, 2014
Private WiFi CEO Kent Lawson Interviewed on,Our CEO Kent Lawson was recently interviewed in's Business Travel section, where he discussed why using a VPN like Private WiFi is important for business travelers.

April 17, 2014
Private WiFi in the Washington Post,Private WiFi's new study on WiFi behavior among U.S. adults was recently mentioned in a Washington Post article dealing with connecting to WiFi while abroad.

April 8, 2014
Private WiFi Named Top 5 Mobile App for Business by Digital Marketing Remix,Private WiFi was named a top 5 mobile app for business by Digital Marketing Remix, a digital marketing newsletter which keeps b2b marketing executives up to date on news and information about digital marketing trends and best practices.

April 7, 2014
Private WiFi in Retailing Today,Private WiFi's recent poll on U.S. adults attitude to public WiFi privacy was recently featured in an article in Retailing Today, an online magazine for the nation's top retailers.

April 7, 2014
Private WiFi In Help Net Security,Help Net Security, an online security newsletter, recently published an article about Private WiFi's recent poll on U.S. adults attitude to public WiFi privacy.

April 3, 2014
Private WiFi in Fast Company,Private WiFi's recent poll on U.S. adults attitude to public WiFi privacy was recently featured in an article on Fast Company

April 1, 2014
Private WiFi CEO Kent Lawson Interviewed about Public WiFi at RSA Conference,Private WiFi CEO Kent Lawson was interviewed in Security online magazine about the public WiFi network that RSA Conference attendees were accessing without using a VPN.

March 21, 2014
Private WiFi in Business Traveller Magazine,Private WiFi was recently featured in Business Traveller, who highlighted how easy it is to get hacked on public WiFi networks. To quote from the article, "the reality is, if you are using public WiFi, even if it is password-protected and/or you have paid for it, you are leaving yourself wide open to hackers."

March 21, 2014
Private WiFi Appears on Rotten WiFi,Rotten WiFi is a mobile app offering a possibility to its users (the Users) to measure the quality of a WiFi connection and share the results together with personal comments or other content (the Content) via social networks. Recently, they published an article about how Private WiFi can keep you safe on public WiFi networks.

March 18, 2014
Private WiFi in PC Magazine,"On open WiFi networks, it is your responsibility to protect yourself against hacking by using a personal VPN," says Kent Lawson, founder and CEO of Private WiFi, a personal VPN service.

March 3, 2014
Private WiFi Mentioned in CSO’s RSA Conference Article,While at the RSA Conference in San Francisco, the largest security conference in the world, Private WiFi's CEO, Kent Lawson, used a wireless sniffing tool to demonstrate how many of the conference attendees were not protecting themselves when logging into the free public WiFi network.

February 27, 2014
Private WiFi Wonders if the RSA Security Conference is Safe,Recently, Private WiFi was featured in an article on eWeek. Our CEO, Kent Lawson, attended the RSA Security Conference and found that they were offering unencrypted WiFi connection, and that many attendees, some of the top security experts in the world, were not taking steps to protect themselves.

February 18, 2014
Kent Lawson, CEO of Private WiFi, Discusses the Dangers of WiFi on Seattle’s KOMO,Private WiFi's CEO, Kent Lawson, recently appeared on Seattle's KOMO news radio program to discuss the dangers inherent to public WiFi networks, and how Private WiFi can help.

February 18, 2014
Private WiFi’s CEO, Kent Lawson, Interviewed on Tampa’s 970 WFLA,Kent Lawson, Private WiFi's CEO, was recently interviewed on Tampa's local radio station, 970 WFLA. He discusses the dangers of public WiFi networks, and how Private WiFi can protect you.

February 18, 2014
Private WiFi Lands on PC Magazine’s “Ten VPN Services You Should Know About”,Private WiFi was recently featured in PC Magazine's "Ten VPN Services You Should Know About" article.

January 31, 2014
Droid Report Reviews Private WiFi,Droid Report just published a sparking review of Private WiFi's new Android app. Droid Report is a community of Android enthusiasts dedicated to providing breaking news, reviews, tutorials and more relating to Android OS.

January 31, 2014
Private WiFi’s CEO, Kent Lawson, Interviewed by Droid Report,Private WiFi's CEO, Kent Lawson, was recently featured in an exclusive interview on Droid Report. Droid Report is a community of Android enthusiasts dedicated to providing breaking news, reviews, tutorials and more relating to Android OS.

January 30, 2014
Private WiFi Featured in Wave Journey,Private WiFi was recently featured in a review by Wave Journey, an online woman's travel magazine.

January 20, 2014
Kent Lawson Discusses Mobile Insecurities on WiFi Hotspots on KUHF,Private WiFi's CEO, Kent Lawson, recently sat down with KUHF FM in Houston to discuss how mobile device users are vulnerable to hackers when they access public WiFi hotspots.

January 15, 2014
Kent Lawson Interview in IdeaMensch,Private WiFi's CEO Kent Lawson recently appeared as a featured leader in IdeaMensch, a website that lets entrepreneurs share their ideas and vision with other successful entrepreneurs and business gurus.

January 10, 2014
Private WiFi is Big Hit at Consumer Electronics Show (CES),Las Vegas Weekly just published an article detailing how Private WiFi was a big hit earlier this week, as Kent Lawson, our CEO, demonstrated the vulnerabilities of public WiFi networks live on the CES floor.

December 4, 2013
Private WiFi’s Kent Lawson on BBC (Espanol) Online,Private WiFi's CEO Kent Lawson recently appeared in BBC (Espanol) Online, discussing Cyber Monday.

November 30, 2013
Boot Camp Interviews Kent Lawson, Private WiFi’s CEO,Fred Fishkin from Bootcamp Radio, a technology radio show which airs on Bloomberg, interviewed our CEO, Kent Lawson, about cyber Monday.

October 18, 2013
Private WiFi Named as a Top 20 Gadget for College Students,ChaCha, a new human-guide search engine site, recently named Private WiFi as one of their top 20 gadgets that every college student needs.

September 25, 2013
Network World Names Private WiFi One of the 20 Essential iPhone/iPad Business Apps, Network World just named Private WiFi as one of their 20 essential iPhone/iPad apps for business.
August 22, 2013
ExpertFlyer talk to Kent Lawson, CEO of Private WiFi,ExpertFlyer talks with Kent Lawson, Founder & CEO of Private Communications Corporation, a security technology company that protects personal data and information online. Private WiFi, the company’s flagship software product, encrypts all computer data across unencrypted WiFi networks, ensuring online privacy for those without access to virtual private networks (VPNs).

August 5, 2013
Avoid the perils of public WiFi,Is your computer protected, and do you know the risks of public WiFi? This MSN article explores why public WiFi is so dangerous, and how only a personal VPN like Private WiFi can protect you.

July 30, 2013
Private WiFi in The City magazine,Private WiFi recently appeared in the August 2013 version of The City magazine.

July 22, 2013
Journal of Forensic Accounting Article on WiFi Hotspot Hacking,This Journal of Forensic Accounting article examines the risks of using public wifi networks.

July 18, 2013
There is No Vacation From Cybercrime at WiFi Hotspots,Our CEO, Kent Lawson, just published a piece about the risks inherent to all public wifi hotspots in USA Today Magazine.

June 5, 2013
Private WiFi on WABC TV’s New York Viewpoints,Watch as Private WiFi's CEO Kent Lawson and Growth and Product Manager Raj Devjani join Eyewitness News anchor Ken Rosato for the weekly round-table discussion on WABC TV's New York Viewpoint. Discussing the dangers of open public wifi connections, Lawson and Devjani explain to Rosato that consumers can easily protect themselves from hackers with a Virtual Private Network (VPN) like Private WiFi.

May 16, 2013
Private WiFi on WPIX 11 in New York,Public WiFi use is growing, and so is the risk of people's privacy being violated unless they take protective measures. WPIX 11 reporter James Ford investigates the growing concern of WiFi hacking. After setting up a rogue hotspot in Times Square, Ford and members of the Private WiFi team highlight the huge vulnerabilities users face if they don't protect themselves with a VPN like Private WiFi.

May 14, 2013
Private WiFi on WNBC News 4 in New York,As more subway stations in New York City become equipped with free WiFi connections, the security concerns are growing. The team at PRIVATE WiFi met with WNBC's Andrew Siff to show how easy it is for a hacker to steal your data on public WiFi. Although there are dangers, the solution to staying secure is using a VPN like PRIVATE WiFi.

April 28, 2013
Today Show,The Today Show has joined the ranks of other high-profile media outlets to endorse PRIVATE WiFi’s cutting-edge personal VPN technology. Watch the feature segment by Mario Armstrong, Today’s digital lifestyle contributor, who explains how a private VPN creates a “secure tunnel” between you and any would-be hackers.

April 9, 2013
Anticipate Biz Calamities: Big Storms, Tech Pitfalls,This article discusses how only around 5% of tablet and smartphone users install antivirus software, and many users are not aware of the security vulnerabilities when using a public wifi network.

March 7, 2013
Best New Travel Gadgets for 2013,Private WiFi is featured as one of Global Traveler's best new travel gadgets for 2013!

March 4, 2013
Great apps for defeating hackers,In this article, CBS Moneywatch discusses some applications, including Private WiFi, that can help defeat hackers.

March 4, 2013
A Passion For Privacy – The Founder of Private WiFi Has a Mission,It is a cold, gray, midwinter’s day along the shores of Candlewood Lake in western Connecticut. It’s starting to flurry. There’s a great view of the northern end of the lake, with an unspoken suggestion of just how pretty this is during the summer. And it raises the question about why anyone would give up this idyllic setting after twelve years of retirement to jump back into the rough and tumble world of entrepreneurship. But about three years ago, just as he turned 65, that’s exactly what Kent Lawson did.

January 24, 2013
Finally use public WiFi hotspots safely, thanks to Private WiFi,Coolmomtech discusses how everyone can now use public WiFi hotspots safely, thanks to Private WiFi.

January 24, 2013
Private WiFi takes its VPN mobile,In this CNET article, Seth Rosenblat writes about how Private WiFi unveiled mobile apps for all the major smartphone platforms, just in time to protect you from the insecure public WiFi at CES.

January 4, 2013
WiFi Warrior: Protect Private Data on Public WiFi,Do you constantly connect to wifi hotspots so you can work on the go? BusinessOnMain will show you how to keep your data private when you're using public networks.

October 24, 2012
Public WiFi hotspots pose real threat to enterprises, survey finds,Employees are accessing sensitive company information via unprotected public WiFi hotspots, according to a new survey that found public WiFi usage rose significantly over the last year.
The study, conducted by the by the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), surveyed 377 people and found more than half (57%) used public WiFi hotspots to access confidential work-related information. The online survey was commissioned by Sherman, Conn.-based Private Communications Corporation, a seller of virtual private network (VPN) software.

October 17, 2012
Public WiFi use up 240% in last year despite risks,Despite the fear of identity theft and threats from computer viruses, the use of public wireless Internet access has jumped 240% in the last 12 months, a new survey has found.
The top log-in sites were coffee shops and restaurants (75%), hotels (54%) and airports (38%), according to an online survey of 377 people by the nonprofit Identity Theft Resource Center in partnership with Private WiFi.

August 15, 2012
Tech Tools to Ease the Strain of the Nomadic Life,ECT News Network is one of the largest e-business and technology news publishers in the United States. Our network of business and technology news publications attracts a targeted audience of buyers and decision-makers who need timely industry news and reliable analysis.
The network currently includes several e-business and technology news sites: the E-Commerce Times®, TechNewsWorld™, LinuxInsider™, CRM Buyer™ and MacNewsWorld™. ECT News also publishes the E-Commerce Minute™ and the Tech News Flash™ daily newsletters and the ECT News Network Weekly Newsletter™

August 14, 2012
Private WiFi Reviewed on Ubergizmo,There is no shortage of WiFi hacks horror stories, but free hotspots are just too convenient to ignore, so most people often connect at random places without worrying too much about the potential hacks that can happen. That’s exactly what Private WiFi was designed for: provide easy security against folks trying to snoop in WiFi traffic to gather passwords, cookies and other key information that may leads to a hacked accounts.

July 27, 2012
Private WiFi’s CEO, Kent Lawson, Interviewed on,Private WiFi's CEO, Kent Lawson, was recently interviewed on

July 23, 2012
Private WiFi CEO Kent Lawson Interviewed on Into Tomorrow,Kent Lawson, Private WiFi's CEO, is interviewed on the Into Tomorrow show with Dave Graveline.

May 11, 2012
Personal VPN’s Make Your WiFi Data Use Invisible To Hackers, Most people don’t realize that wifi signals are just radio waves. Anyone within range can “listen in” to what you’re sending as easily as tuning to the right station.
May 11, 2012
Why you might want to use a personal VPN service, Business Insider is a fast-growing business site with deep financial, media, tech, and other industry verticals. One thing you can do to keep yourself secure, especially when computing via WiFi is to use a personal VPN service. These services use software to encrypt your entire connection between your computer and the VPN service.
May 11, 2012
Full review of Private WiFi on PCMAG.COM, provides comprehensive hands-on, laboratory-based testing of PC and Internet hardware and software. Product reviews are handled by three teams: Hardware, Consumer Electronics, and Internet Services and Software.

May 11, 2012
Private WiFi Reviewed by Computerworld,Computerworld has been the leading source of technology news and information for IT influencers worldwide.

May 2, 2012
PRIVATE WIFI featured in Mashable Tech, Mashable is the largest independent news source dedicated to covering digital culture, social media and technology. Mashable’s 20 million monthly unique visitors and 4 million social media followers have become one of the most engaged online news communities. Numerous studies and leading publications have declared Mashable the most influential online news outlet and a must-read site.
April 19, 2012
PCWorld Review of Private WiFi, PCWorld is a global computer magazine published monthly. PCWorld reviews and tests hardware and software products from a variety of manufacturers.
April 18, 2012
PRIVATE WIFI featured in TECH GOES STRONG Blog, This is the friendliest help desk you can find on the Web, the top online destination for readers aged 45-65 who want to get more out of personal tech with the help of experts who love to explain how it works for you.The site provides news and how-tos about personal tech for readers who are active, vibrant and interested in learning new ways of building a community.We feature top tech writers who enjoy demystifying technology and showing us how to improve our use of the Web and Internet technology. Our focus is service technology journalism for grown-ups.
April 17, 2012
Private WiFi CEO Interviewed by, Private WiFi CEO, Kent Lawson, is interviewed by's Fred Fishkin.
January 5, 2012
Three Tips for Using Public WiFi Safely,In an era of laptops, smartphones and mushrooming WiFi networks, we can get online nearly anywhere. But we often connect without considering the potential perils.
Sensitive information you transmit over WiFi can be literally "sniffed" from the airwaves by a nearby snoop using readily available software and equipment. What's more, hackers could trick you into connecting to their computer by making it appear to be a legitimate WiFi hotspot.
Despite these risks, it’s relatively easy and inexpensive to surf safely. Here are three tips for securely using WiFi networks when you're on-the-go, doing work in hotels, airports, cafés and other public places.

August 17, 2011
FreelanceSwitch: Protect Your Computer: Private WiFi Review,As freelancers we also need to keep in mind our responsibility to keep our client’s data secure. Many of us work from home and want to get out of the house to work in a fresh location for the day. Keep in mind what you’re logging into, and what data are you potentially making vulnerable while working on client’s work. If you do client work on open WiFi networks, then Private WiFi is a solid solution to put in place.

June 21, 2011
Wireless Computing Leaves You Exposed: Here’s A Solution To Be Secure, Whether you use Private WiFi or some other security solution ensure that your public network communications are secure. You never know if that nice lady, with the nice heels and purse is a hacker.
May 17, 2011
New York Times Gadgetwise “VPN for the Masses”, Many of us are aware that our online communications, including private e-mails and data typed into Web sites, could potentially be “sniffed” from the air by some scoundrel nearby. (Software for the purpose is easily available on the Internet.) But it seems rather unlikely, and we don’t know what to do about it anyway. So we surf and pray — and maybe take the advice often offered by security experts to avoid shopping or banking online during these moments.But increasingly there is something we can do about it....